The single storey popular Catholic School in Bow, London had been extended over time to meet the growing needs of the school community but now needed a new clearly visible entrance area. This new entrance also had to be flexible in use so that it could also be used as a resource break out space for small group work. The classroom for the children in the reception year also had to be extended to meet the authorities new space standard requirements. The work had to be done in a short time frame over the summer holiday so as not to disrupt the school. We designed a timber framed lightweight construction clad in coloured ‘rock panels’, which was a quick to build, environmentally friendly, low maintenance cladding solution. A canopy clearly visible from the school gate floated above the new room and led you towards the new entrance. The new room was basically internal but kept light and bright by using high level clerestory windows. Additional rooflights also brought light deep into the space. The project was completed in time for the start of term.